I know it's been a loooooong time since my last post-- my computer's hard drive died and I've been slowly getting it back to normal again. Just in time for my niece's second birthday this Friday. I love having a niece whose birthday is on Halloween. I get to celebrate my favorite holiday with someone I love! We're celebrating her birthday on Saturday and I made her a birthday mix for the occasion. It's a blending of Halloween songs for kids and some not-too-spooky songs that I think have a good vibe for a kids' Halloween/Birthday party. Sophia is just starting to put words together into phrases and short sentences. The title of the mix comes from something she was saying the other night while we were all driving home from a dinner out together.
1 Halloween Wade Denning & Kay Lande
2 Casper The Friendly Ghost (Theme) Casper The Friendly Ghost
3 At The Munsters The Munsters
4 Halloween Music Lucille Wood, Marni Nixon & William Schallert
5 Guess What I Am? Wade Denning & Kay Lande
6 Midnight Monsters Hop Jack And Jim
7 Monster Shindig Danny Hutton
8 The Mummy Bob McFadden And Dor
9 The Mummy Little Tibia & the Fibias
10 Little Brown Bug Frankie Stein And His Ghouls
11 Monster Mash Bobby "Boris" Pickett
12 Halloween Music Lucille Wood, Marni Nixon & William Schallert
13 Coolest Little Monster John Zacherley
14 Munster Creep The Munsters
15 Knock Upon Our Door Lily and Herman Munster
16 Mr. Ghost Goes to Town The Five Jones Boys
17 The Pumpkin Man The Wonderland Singers
18 Lullaby Of Ghost Land Frankie Stein And His Ghouls
19 Mostly Ghostly The Creatures
20 Halloween Cats Lucille Wood, Marni Nixon & William Schallert
21 Trick Or Treat The Wonderland Singers
22 Frankie Frankenstein Ivan
23 Monster Man The MSR Singers
24 The Monster Swim Bobby "Boris" Pickett And The Crypt Kickers
25 I'm A Little Jack-O'-Lantern Lucille Wood, Marni Nixon & William Schallert
26 There Is A Haunted House In Town The Wonderland Singers
27 Ghost of the St. Louis Blues Leon Redbone
28 The Blob The Five Blobs
29 The Pumpkin Tells Wade Denning & Kay Lande
30 Halloween Parade Lucille Wood, Marni Nixon & William Schallert
31 Down In The Basement The Munsters
32 The Rockin' Ghost The Modernaires
33 Werewolf Waltz Dickie Goodman
34 She's Stuck On A Broomstick Wade Denning & Kay Lande
35 The Headless Horseman Kay Starr & Billy Butterfield Quintet
36 Mother Ghost Nursery Rhymes Scholastic Singers
37 Peter Pumpkin Eater Is Having a Party Scholastic Singers
How could I not love this mix? Thanks for the head's up
I don't know if you have kids or if you ever plan on having kids or if you're a professional nanny or whatever, but I hope all of the above. this stuff is incredible and would give any child wonderful life-long Halloween memories. favorites? "Guess What I Am?," "The Rockin' Ghost," "The Headless Horseman," "The Blob," "Lullaby of Ghost Land" and the entire bunch from "Halloween Cats" to "I'm a Little Jack-o-Lantern." ghoulishly terrific!
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